Stress and Coping Ability

Stress is a natural part of life. In physics, stress is a force that acts on a specific object and causes
deformation or strain. It depends on how people can stretch themselves without breaking. In its
application to health and wellness, stress is seen as a force that causes mental, emotional, physical, or
Spiritual strain.

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“The sea may be unpredictable, but with the right coping skills, we can be prepared for anything.”

Different types of stress have a range of reactions to it.

Eustress is healthy stress that gives one a feeling of fulfilment and enjoyment or enhances physical
and mental functions. Examples of eustress include strength training, challenging work,
getting married, riding a roller coaster, and experiencing the holidays.

Dependence of performance on Level of Stress

Distress, on the other hand, is persistent stress that goes beyond our ability to respond. This chronic, unresolved stress can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, and many other physical
and emotional problems.

Examples:  Include repeated and irreconcilable challenges at work, home,
or other relationships. It’s important to note that both types of stress affect the mind, body, and
spirit, and they can add up in time depending on how we respond.

Body’s reaction to StressFight, flight or freeze

fight flight

“Coping with stress at sea is not about being tough, it’s about being resilient.” – Captain John Smith

This can lead to the following.

  • Dilated pupils – to take in more light to see better.
  • Focussed attention – so that you are more aware and observant, and in response, you’re
    looking and listening for things that could be dangerous. Your senses are heightened, and
    you’re keenly aware of what’s happening around you.
  •  Heart rate and blood pressure increase, increased & heavy breathing to – move nutrients and
    oxygen out to your major muscle groups.
  •  Breathing faster and shallower to – supply more oxygen to the blood
  •  Muscles become tensed to enable you to move at any given moment.
  •  Digestion slows down or stops as blood is diverted away from the stomach.

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If the stress lasts for a long time you may get

  • Tired eyes
  • Headache, Tension
  • Palpitation, Feeling Exhausted
  • Get high blood pressure
  • Lead to indigestion
  • Feel body pain
  • Feel sick.

Effective stress coping enables seafarers to perform their duties safely and efficiently, maintain their physical and mental health, and build strong relationships with colleagues and loved ones. Moreover, seafarers’ stress coping ability is influenced by factors like training, experience, and organizational support, highlighting the importance of providing resources and support to enhance their mental well-being. By developing and maintaining effective stress coping strategies, seafarers can mitigate the negative impacts of stress and thrive in their demanding profession.

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