Mental Well-being

Last Updated : August 9, 2024
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Welcome to our Mental Well-being course! In this course, we will explore the essential aspects of maintaining good mental health and well-being. You will learn how to cultivate a positive mindset, manage stress and anxiety, and develop healthy habits to improve your overall mental well-being. By the end of this course, you will have the tools and knowledge to prioritize your mental health and live a happier, healthier life.

Learning objectives:

LO1: Define mental health and its importance in overall well-being.

LO2: Identify factors contributing to mental health, including biological, psychological, and social influences.

LO3: Recognize common signs and symptoms of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

LO4: Understand the difference between normal fluctuations in mood and more serious mental health concerns.

LO5: Explore strategies for building resilience in adversity and stress.

LO6: Develop practical coping skills for managing challenging emotions and situations.

LO7: Challenge stigma and stereotypes associated with mental illness.

LO8:  Increase awareness and understanding of diverse mental health experiences and perspectives.

LO9:  Enhance self-awareness by identifying personal strengths, values, and triggers.

LO10:  Implement self-care practices that support mental well-being, such as mindfulness, exercise, and hobbies.

Mental Health World Day. Wellness, emotions, feelings, mind, healthy. Medicine, psychology, psychiatry. Icon, vector illustration

Course Overview in Points:

  • Understand the importance of mental well-being
  • Identify signs and symptoms of common mental health issues
  • Learn stress management techniques and relaxation methods
  • Develop healthy habits for improved mental well-being
  • Cultivate a positive mindset and practice self-care
  • Understand how to seek help and support when needed
  • Develop resilience and coping skills for challenging situations
  • Learn how to maintain healthy relationships and boundaries
  • Apply mental well-being principles to daily life

“Mental health is just as important as physical health.” – Unknown

The World Health Organization (WHO) provides extensive resources on mental health to guide global health policy and practice. Key references include the WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020, which outlines strategies for improving mental health services and policies worldwide, and the mhGAP Intervention Guide for Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders in Non-Specialized Health Settings, offering evidence-based recommendations for managing priority mental health conditions. Additionally, the World Health Report 2001 – Mental Health: New Understanding, New Hope emphasizes the importance of mental health and explores the global burden of mental disorders.

The Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2030, an extension of the original plan, sets updated goals to promote mental well-being and prevent mental disorders. The WHO Mental Health Atlas 2020 provides data on mental health resources globally, highlighting the availability and accessibility of services. Furthermore, the Global Health Estimates 2019 report includes data on the global burden of mental disorders, essential for health planning and policy-making. These documents collectively underscore WHO’s commitment to enhancing mental health on a global scale.

Practical strategies to improve mental well being:

Marine professionals, including seafarers, often face unique challenges that can impact their mental well-being, such as extended periods away from home, isolation, and demanding working conditions. Here are some practical strategies specifically tailored to improve the mental well-being of marine professionals:

1. Foster Social Connections

  • Stay Connected with Family and Friends: Use technology to maintain regular communication with loved ones through video calls, emails, and social media.
  • Build Onboard Relationships: Develop supportive relationships with colleagues onboard to create a sense of community and mutual support.

2. Promote Physical Health

  • Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities on the vessel, such as stretching, yoga, or using onboard gym equipment. Regular exercise can reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Balanced Diet: Ensure access to nutritious meals and maintain a balanced diet to support physical and mental health.

3. Ensure Adequate Rest

  • Quality Sleep: Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a comfortable sleep environment, and practice good sleep hygiene to ensure restful sleep.
  • Rest Breaks: Take regular breaks to rest and relax, especially during long shifts or demanding work periods.

4. Provide Mental Health Resources

  • Access to Counseling: Ensure that marine professionals have access to mental health support services, such as counseling or therapy, either onboard or remotely.
  • Mental Health Training: Provide training for crew members on recognizing and managing mental health issues, including stress management and coping strategies.

5. Implement Relaxation Techniques

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Encourage mindfulness practices and meditation to help manage stress and improve focus.
  • Breathing Exercises: Teach and promote the use of deep breathing exercises to help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

6. Promote Work-Life Balance

  • Recreation Activities: Organize recreational activities onboard, such as movie nights, games, or social events, to provide a break from work and foster camaraderie.
  • Leave Policies: Ensure that leave policies are fair and allow for adequate time off to rest and reconnect with family and friends.

7. Encourage Professional Development

  • Training Opportunities: Offer training and career development opportunities to keep crew members engaged and motivated.
  • Skill Development: Encourage the development of new skills and hobbies that can be pursued during downtime.

8. Create a Positive Work Environment

  • Open Communication: Foster an environment where crew members feel comfortable discussing their concerns and seeking support.
  • Recognition and Support: Recognize and appreciate the efforts of crew members, and provide support when needed.

9. Access to Emergency Support

  • Helplines: Provide access to helplines and emergency support services for immediate assistance during crises.
  • Emergency Protocols: Ensure clear protocols are in place for handling mental health emergencies onboard.

10. Promote Mental Health Awareness

  • Education Campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and encourage crew members to seek help when needed.
  • Mental Health Resources: Distribute informational materials on mental health and well-being, including tips and resources for self-care.

11. Leverage Technology

  • Mental Health Apps: Recommend and provide access to mental health and wellness apps that offer resources such as guided meditations, relaxation techniques, and mood tracking.
  • Telehealth Services: Utilize telehealth services to connect crew members with mental health professionals remotely.

12. Develop Supportive Policies

  • Mental Health Policies: Implement policies that prioritize mental health, including regular mental health assessments and support services.
  • Crisis Intervention Plans: Develop and communicate clear plans for managing mental health crises, ensuring all crew members are aware of the procedures.

By implementing these strategies, marine professionals can better manage the unique challenges they face and improve their overall mental well-being.

This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of mental well-being and practical strategies to improve your mental health. Let’s get started!


Any information we receive from you is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone, whether they are inside or outside the organization. Our main goal is to ensure the well-being and safety of the employees by focusing on observing their mental health in the workplace.

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