Training Needs Analysis

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the most important part of the ‘Corporate Training’ process, as it helps in identifying and understanding issues that the organization might be facing. Our TNA reports are often an eye-opener for our client organizations, as we present in-depth analysis and identify the ‘behavioral gaps’ and the underlying reasons for those gaps.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the most important part of the ‘Corporate Training’ process, as it helps in identifying and understanding issues that the organization might be facing. Our TNA reports are often an eye-opener for our client organizations, as we present in-depth analysis and identify the ‘behavioral gaps’ and the underlying reasons for those gaps.

The process begins by understanding the pain points of the organizations with the aim to identify gaps that have led to the difference between current & desired levels of performance of the organization.

What is Training Needs Analysis?

A training needs analysis (TNA) is a crucial first step in designing practical behavioural/soft skills and behavioural training programs.
TNA is a systematic process that identifies gaps between employee skills and behaviours and those required to excel in their roles and contribute to organizational goals. Behavioural/Soft skills, like communication and teamwork, and behavioural aspects, such as punctuality and professionalism, are essential for workplace success but can be trickier to assess than technical skills.
Training needs analysis is the most essential part of Our Corporate Training Process, as it helps identify and understand issues the organizations might face. Our TNA reports are often an eye-opener for our clients, as we present In-Depth analysis and Identify the behavioural gaps and the underlying reasons for the gaps and Under-performance.

On What Levels Does The Training Needs Analysis work?

Our training needs analysis (TNA) services aren’t a one-size-fits-all approach. To ensure training programs are truly effective, we need to target specific needs at different levels within the organization. Here’s a breakdown of the three main levels of TNA:

Big Picture Focus: Organizational Level TNA

This level takes a broad view, focusing on the organization's overall goals and strategic direction. It analyzes factors like performance metrics, new employee knowledge gaps, and industry trends. The goal is to identify training needs that will optimize company performance, address weaknesses, and leverage existing strengths. It also considers external factors like economic shifts, technological advancements, and demographic changes that could impact the skills needed for success.

Team-Specific Needs: Group/Job Role Level TNA

This level dives deeper, focusing on the specific training needs of individual teams, departments, or business units. It identifies skill gaps within these groups and determines what training is needed to close those gaps. This helps ensure teams have the necessary skills to achieve their specific goals and contribute to the overall organizational success.

Individualized Development: Individual Level

This level tailors training to the specific needs of individual employees. It's often conducted in conjunction with a specific project or upcoming changes that might impact their role. It can also be used to support an employee's personal development goals and prepare them for career advancement opportunities.

The Strive High TNA Process

At Strive High, We use Training Needs Analysis as a comprehensive, multi-step process designed to uncover the nuanced soft skills and behavioral training needs of client’s organization. Here’s a detailed look at our approach:

  • Meet with key stakeholders to understand organizational objectives
  • Identify specific soft skills crucial for your company’s success
  • Set clear, measurable goals for the TNA process
  • Conduct surveys and questionnaires tailored to soft skills assessment
  • Perform one-on-one interviews with employees at various levels
  • Observe workplace interactions and team dynamics
  • Review relevant documentation (e.g., performance reviews, customer feedback)
  • Compare current soft skills levels against desired benchmarks
  • Identify discrepancies in communication, leadership, teamwork, and other key areas
  • Analyze patterns and trends across departments and hierarchies
  • Dive deep into the underlying reasons for skill gaps
  • Consider factors such as company culture, management styles, and work environment
  • Identify any systemic issues impacting soft skills development
  • Rank identified skill gaps based on their impact on organizational goals
  • Consider both immediate needs and long-term strategic objectives
  • Factor in resource constraints and potential return on investment
  • Design customized training programs to address prioritized needs
  • Suggest appropriate training methodologies (e.g., workshops, coaching, e-learning)
  • Propose strategies for reinforcing learned skills in the workplace
  • Compile a comprehensive TNA report with actionable insights
  • Present findings to key stakeholders, highlighting critical areas for improvement
  • Provide a clear roadmap for implementing recommended training initiatives
  • Collaborate with your team to develop a realistic training timeline
  • Identify key personnel to champion the training initiatives
  • Establish metrics for measuring the success of training programs
  • Set up regular check-ins to assess the impact of training
  • Gather feedback from participants and managers
  • Adjust training plans as needed based on ongoing assessment

What Sets Strive High's TNA Process Apart?

An in-depth Training Needs Analysis maximizes the return on investment in training and fosters a culture of continuous learning and development.

Moreover, a well-conducted TNA promotes employee engagement and satisfaction by addressing their professional growth needs, thereby contributing to overall organizational success and competitiveness.

“An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”

By partnering with Strive High

you're not just getting a report – you're gaining a roadmap for transforming your workforce's soft skills and driving organizational success.
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